I'm afraid Operation Northwoods isn't quite what it seems to be. If you examine the collection of documents as a whole it is obvious they are nonsensical in a number of ways which completely undermines their authenticity.

--- The very important Decision document is blackened and almost illegible and when you examine its contents they do not add up.

--- The document content does not match title, eg, a Report is a request, the very important Decision document is titled a Note, the content of the so-called Appendix and Annex do not fit those document types, notably the Annex which contains the very important Pretexts, a listing of all the planned false-flag actions. Nor do the documents relate to each other correctly, eg, the Annex is attached to the Appendix while the Appendix is a duplicate of a memorandum which itself is given the label Enclosure A but only one document lists an enclosure which matches neither the documents labelled Enclosure A or Enclosure B.

--- Reference is made to a recently-dated memorandum from a “General Craig” who can only reasonably refer to Lieutenant General Edward A. Craig who retired from military service on 1 June 1951.

--- The second paragraph in the very brief, three-paragraph Decision document

”In that the Commandant had expressed direct concern of the Marine Corps in this matter, the provisions of Title 10, US Code 141 (c) applied and were followed.

is plainly gobbledygook. The Commandant is a naval position in charge of training and this proposal is ostensibly for a real life operation while Title 10, US Code doesn’t have a (c), only an (a) and (b) and simply specifies that there is the position, Inspector General of the Department of Defense and the duties entailed.

Perhaps the mention of Commandant, the position in charge of training, is an oblique reference to the fact that the Pretexts document was really an intelligence training exercise and the surrounding documents have been dummied up to create a document used for the propaganda purposes discussed below.

If Operation Northwoods is a clearly faked proposed false-flag attack what is the purpose of this fakery? It was de-classified (although stamped UNCLASSIFIED) in 1998, just three years before 9/11 - rather significant, no? This article explains the propaganda agenda of ON.


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Great article Joshua. Thank yo again for making my morning more interesting.

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